We have a team of specialist doctors of their respective fields to ensure you a proper diagnosis and treatment.
With 24 X 7 care and ambulance facilities, we are always ready to take care of you in any emergency situations.
At KJ Multispeciality hospital, we offer various medical treatments with our expert doctors and professional staff.
KJ multispeciality hospital is run by dedicated medical professionals to ensure an easy, and hassle free treatment.
To establish world class state of art centre to deliver standard healthcare services and emerge as a leader for best healthcare practices in Saurashtra and Gujarat state and also to establish and diversify in the field of delivering quality medical education services.
ગુજરાત રાજ્ય અને વિશેષ કરીને સૌરાષ્ટ્રમાાં ઉચ્ચ શ્રે ણીની તેમજ વિશ્વ કક્ષાની આરોગ્ય સુવિધાઓની સાથે તબીબી ક્ષેત્રે વિવિધલક્ષી ગુણિાંતતાસભર વશક્ષણ આપિાની નેમ ધરાિીએ છીએ.
At K J Multispeciality Hospital, we offer comprehensive cardiac care that primarily focuses on prevention & complete recovery from any heart...
The KJ Multispeciality Hospital is a recognized leader in the neurosurgery department. We have leading neurosurgeons who are top in their field...
At K J Multispeciality Hospital, our joint replacement surgeons are experts in the shoulder, hip, and knee replacement. Our coordinated care...
The Department of Radiology at K J Multispeciality Hospital performs imaging studies and provides interpretations of those studies. Our highly experienced team of radiology...
Department of Laboratory Services at K J Multispeciality Hospital has been assessed & accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories...
At K J Multispeciality Hospital, We have specialist professional physicians who take care of various diseases like Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol....
ICUs at K J Multispeciality Hospital are of world class facilities. The critical care unit at KJMH is committed to a 24×7 intensive care service....
Our multispecialty hospital has in house as well as consultant expert doctors from their respective fields. Our doctors are supported by well-trained staff and high-class sophisticated medical equipment.
KJ Multispeciality Hospital is committed to providing the best care when you need it the most. With 24 X 7 care and ambulance facilities, we are always ready to take care of you in any emergency situations.
2187+ surgeries
1860+ surgeries